Why Invest In WNY.

Investing in the real estate market in Buffalo & Western New York

Why Invest in Buffalo & Western New York

  • Positive cash flow investments/high cap rate properties due to relatively low property values.
  • Strong rental markets available
  • Stable property values
  • Reasonable tenants rights laws and no rent control.

How to succeed in a new market

  • Understand the area where you are investing including
  1. a) Typical property values/rents
  2. b) Crime rates & the quality of tenants in that area
  3. c) Local laws, taxes and regulations
  • Real estate agent that understands the rental market and can help you get the numbers you need to properly
  • Property management company that you can trust.
  • Understand what risk profile in your investments you are looking for.

Typical Target Properties

  • Single family and duplex units in the City of Buffalo.
  • Three to four unit properties in the North and South Towns. Typical Profile would be
  1. a) Property built between 1900 and 1950
  2. b) Mixed single family and rental area
  3. c) Relatively low tax rates compared to other parts of Western New York.

Examples of Successful Investments Made

  • One, 4 unit property, and one, 3 unit property in the North Towns 3 years apart. Low risk area, Cap rate seen .13
  • One, 4 unit property purchased in good area near medium risk area. Cap rate seen over 3 year period, .13
  • One, 3 unit property purchase in medium risk area when market was down, with repairs needed. Ultimate cap rate, .25
  • One, single family home purchased in high risk area when market prices were high, cap rate seen, .19
  • One duplex purchased in low risk area, when market prices were high, cap rate seen, .09.

C&M Rental’s role in the marketplace

  • Full service real estate agent focused on the rental market. Core capabilities include:

a) Estimating rents

b) Estimating repairs for properties being purchased

c) Calculating cap rates and ROI

  • Property management company managing properties in the City of Buffalo, the North Towns, and the South Towns.
  • Property owner in all three regions of Western New York.



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